Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
The St Joseph's Personal Development, Health and Physical Education curriculum has been developed in accordance with the guidelines set down in the Board of Studies NSW PDHPE K to 6 Syllabus.
‘Personal Development, Health and Physical Education is in keeping with the Catholic ideals of an education of the whole person. Thoughts, sensations, emotions and physical activities all have an influence on each other and on the individual’s growth towards personal maturity. Catholic education aims to mould these elements into a harmonious unity, in the light of human understanding and faith.’ - Most Rev. P.L. Murphy DD, Past Chairman, Catholic Education Commission, NSW
PDHPE is an important key learning area within the primary curriculum as it:
- encourages an understanding and valuing of self and others
- promotes physical activity
- emphasises informed decision making leading to effective and responsible action
Each stage of learning has three key components:
- Fundamental Movement and Physical Activity
- Healthy Choices
- Self and Relationships